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Future Nostalgia is a movement research created during the pandemic times where our lives were governed by the virus covid19.

The dance company D2 integrated by Beatriz Delgado and Pablo Delgado in need of exploring new ways of adaptation started a movement research based on the understanding of the movement principals of 6 different Choreographers and companies, where their style is far from one another.

The name of the choreographers and companies are:
La veronal - Marcos Morao
Peeping Tom
Jojo Gomez and Yanis Marshall
Hofesh Shechter

In order to deep down with each of them, the dancers decided to stick for a couple of days watching videos from each of them and then go to the studio, playing the same music, exploring the movement principles the companies or choreographers usually use, and improvising with what was left in their bodies. In order to check the results and see how authentic their research was, they were filming each other so they could identify what and which moment was embodied from theirs and what was new, what was missing. The dancers played to resist their natural movement principles and how quickly and fast they could adapt to the new one.

The first round of this research took two months. Then, there was a couple of weeks break and then they went for another intensive round where they improvised and filmed themselves with all of the choreographers already practiced before. After that, the dancers got invited to “Abril en Danza”. They created a dance piece based on this research called Future Nostalgia, which was premiered as Covid19 on the 25th of April in Alicante, Spain.

“For us, this piece was a space to cope with the uncertain and chaotic times of pandemic and how this continues to affect the lives, body, and mind of artists since their appearance’

Company: D2 -DelgadoDanza
Dancers: Bea Delgado Flores and Pablo Delgado Flores.
Concept: Bea Delgado Flores and Pablo Delgado Flores.
Costumes: BeaDelgado Flores and Pablo Delgado Flores.

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